

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building with Brackets

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building with Brackets

ION 1in Brackets are hole-aligned to maintain the pitch grid between your MAXTubes. When building a robot with hole-aligned brackets, you will likely notice an open space between the structure ends, where they do not touch at the corner. This is expected and will not affect the strength of your joint.Structure brackets are designed to secure pieces of structure together at varying angles. Different hole patterns can accommodate different extrusion types and patterns. Within the REV ION Build Sys …
Oct 24th 2023
Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building with Extrusions

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building with Extrusions

Extrusions all have a few similar features, but each type has applications best suited for them. Remember, when bolting through any extrusion or tube, be careful not to over-tighten the bolt!Patterned Extrusion: MAXTube is a strong extruded aluminum tubing featuring various hole patterns ranging from simple #10 clearance hole grid patterns to a repeated MAX Pattern every 2in. Compatible with the REV ION Build System Accepts standard #10-32 hardware on 1/2in pitch Fixed patter …
Oct 17th 2023
Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building Your Toolbox

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building Your Toolbox

Teams in the FIRST Robotics Competition use hardware to connect, or fasten, brackets and structure together on a robot. Consider picking a standardized hardware size (such as #10-32) to cut down on the amount of hardware and tools you need to keep on hand.  We recommend these tools to start building your team’s toolbox: Nut Driver Set Drill Bit Set Hack Saw Hex Key Set Tap and Drill Set Metal Files Combination Wrenches Ratcheting WrenchesScrew Driver …
Oct 10th 2023
Taking Support to New Heights: REV Robotics Proudly Partners with The Rainbow STEM Alliance

Taking Support to New Heights: REV Robotics Proudly Partners with The Rainbow STEM Alliance

The Rainbow STEM Alliance™ (RSA), led by President Jon Kentfield, has been at the forefront of promoting diversity and inclusion within the STEM community. They have consistently strived to make the world of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics a more accepting and supportive place for LGBTQ+ individuals.REV Robotics has become a trusted supplier for FIRST® events, but our involvement extends far beyond just providing essential robotics equipment. As part of our mission to empo …
Sep 26th 2023 David Yanoshak and Greg Needel
Tech + Tool Tip Tuesday: Torque vs. Speed

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesday: Torque vs. Speed

Transforming the torque and speed of the motion is accomplished by changing the size of the sprockets (or gears). Reference this diagram (which can also be found in your FTC Starter Kit Guide) to help determine whether your sprocket configuration has higher torque or faster speed.Don’t forget, the Tech + Tool Tip Tuesday content can be found in our documentation. …
Aug 29th 2023
Tech + Tool Tip Thursday: Chain Tips and Tricks

Tech + Tool Tip Thursday: Chain Tips and Tricks

Sprockets and chain are ideal for transmitting motion over long distances. A chain consists of a continuous set of links that ride on the sprockets to transmit motion. The REV DUO Build System is designed around #25 chain using compatible #25 sprockets. The diagram details the anatomy of a chain.It is important to have proper chain tension when using sprockets and chain. The loop of chain must be the correct length, or have outside support, to maintain this tension.Creating a loop of chain requi …
Aug 24th 2023
Introducing the Intro to Robotics I Curriculum

Introducing the Intro to Robotics I Curriculum

Kick off your students' journeys into robotics education with our all-new curriculum, Intro to Robotics I!Using the REV DUO line of products, this curriculum establishes the basics of robotics terminology and lab safety, followed by introductions to mechanical design, electronics, and programming for autonomous robotics. Educators and students of all experience levels, from novices to experts, will benefit from this easy-to-use introduction to robotics course designed by leading e …
Aug 22nd 2023 Greg Needel, David Yanoshak
Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Planning Ahead

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Planning Ahead

Have a plan for where the brackets and other structure pieces will go before starting your build. Once pieces of extrusion are connected together, it can be difficult to go back and add things without having to disassemble your robot. Don't forget, the Tech + Tool Tip Tuesday content can be found in our documentation. …
Aug 15th 2023
Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Direction Matters

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Direction Matters

When using nyloc nuts, make sure the beveled “nyloc” side is facing out. You can also identify this side by looking for a non-metal nylon ring inside of the nut.Our weekly Tech + Tool Tip Tuesday content can be found in our technical documentation space. …
Aug 9th 2023
Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building Studs Up

Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Building Studs Up

Building “studs up” is recommended with the REV DUO Build System. This means building with the screw head inside of the extrusion and the nut on the outside. Pay attention to the direction that screws go into the brackets. Only the screw head will fit in the extrusion.Our weekly Tech + Tool Tip Tuesday content can be found in our documentation. …
Aug 1st 2023