Intern Spotlight: Sydney
Meet Sydney, FIRST Alumni and second-year Mechanical Engineering Intern here at REV! We’re so excited to have Sydney interning with us as part of her Aerospace Engineering journey at Texas A&M University. Read on to learn more!What inspired you to do what you do?I’ve always been curious and loved building things hands-on. Growing up, I started off helping my dad restore classic cars in our garage. Then, in 6th grade, choosing a school elective to participate in, I looked into FIRST LEGO League a
Jul 22nd 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Mo Elhelw
Our final Teacher Appreciation Week honoree for 2024 is Mr. Mo Elhelw (Mr. E), from West Newbury, Massachusetts! Mr. E mentors rookie FRC Team #9443: Aluminum Panthers. How has your nominee promoted STEM within their community?Mr. E is the only robotics and engineering teacher in our school, and he has implemented the FIRST curriculum to set students on a path towards careers in STEM. When he became a teacher at Pentucket Regional Middle High School, he revamped our Engineering Design course. Or
May 10th 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Leslie Llamas
Meet our next Teacher Appreciation Week honoree for 2024: Ms. Leslie Llamas from El Paso, Texas! Ms. Llamas mentors FTC Team #24726: LPI Lions, who just completed their rookie season. How has your nominee promoted STEM within their community?Ms. Llamas uses robotics and fundamentals of computer science to promote STEM throughout the school year with very cool projects. These projects, suited for 8th through 12th graders, involve coding techniques and teach us technical skills with
May 9th 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week 2024: Ian McTavish
Our first Teacher Appreciation Week honoree for 2024 is Ian McTavish, from Huntsville, Ontario, Canada! Mr. McTavish mentors FRC Team #4152: Hoya Robotics. How has your nominee promoted STEM within their community?Within his school community, Ian began with only one STEM/tech class, and has grown his STEM programs to 11 this year! Ian's enthusiasm for science, technology, and engineering is contagious, inspiring people of all walks to delve deeper into these subjects. His commitment to
May 6th 2024
Ship to Pit is Back!
Ship to Pit is back! Are you, your friends, or your team headed to Houston for the 2024 FIRST Championship event? Need spare parts for the competition or want to get a head start on next season? Save now with FREE Shipping to our booths at FIRST Championship!
Place an order before 12:00 PM CST on Monday, April 15, 2024, select "Ship to Pit" as your shipping method, and we will take care of the rest. Your order will be available for pickup at our booths at the 2024 FIRST Championship even
Mar 6th 2024
Important Update: SPARK Flex Motor Controller Recall and Replacement
REV Robotics is committed to ensuring the highest standards of quality in our products. It's with this commitment in mind that we're announcing a recall and replacement program for all SPARK Flex Motor Controllers shipped on or before Wednesday, January 24, 2024.Description of Issue:During a quality control check of our latest batch of SPARK Flex Motor Controllers, we identified a potential issue that merits immediate attention. The soldering of the phase connections on the power PCB was found
Jan 24th 2024
NEO VORTEX Shaft Runout Issue
Since we launched the NEO Vortex and SPARK Flex, we have received reports and seen through our internal verification that motors have significant runout (~.04in). We have done an extensive investigation and have found the root cause to be a combination of tolerance stackup with some out of spec parts.In engineering, “runout” refers to a rotation that is not exactly in line with the primary axis, leading to a slight wobble or eccentric shape while rotating. The largest contributor of this runout
Jan 12th 2024
SPARK Flex NEO Vortex Day Zero Update
As the first SPARK Flex and NEO Vortex units are starting to be delivered to their pre-order customers, we'd like to take this opportunity to talk about the some day-zero software updates as well as some manufacturing variances you may encounter.REVLib and REV Hardware Client Updates for SPARK FlexUpdated software resources that include compatibility for SPARK Flex can be found here:
REVLibREV Hardware Client (You may also check for updates within an existing installation)Stay tuned for additio
Jan 3rd 2024
2023-2024 Team REV Sponsorship Awardees
For the 2023-2024 FIRST® IN SHOW℠ season, REV Robotics has awarded over $100,000 in total sponsorships for FIRST Tech Challenge and FIRST Robotics Competition teams!
With a record number of over
2,000 Team REV Sponsorship Applications for the 2023-2024 FIRST IN SHOW season, the selection process was extremely difficult. Today, we’re excited to announce the 70 REVolutionary teams that have become part of the newest class of Team REV!
We would like to thank every team that submitte
Nov 7th 2023
Tech + Tool Tip Tuesdays: Chain Tips & Tricks
Sprockets and chain are ideal for transmitting motion over long distances. A chain consists of a continuous set of links that ride on the sprockets to transmit motion. The REV ION Build System is designed around #25 chain using compatible #25 sprockets.
It is important to have proper chain tension when using sprockets and chain. The loop of chain must be the correct length, or have outside support, to maintain this tension.The REV #25 Chain Tool allows teams to easily break and re-assemble #25
Oct 31st 2023