Intern Spotlight: Sydney
Meet Sydney, FIRST Alumni and second-year Mechanical Engineering Intern here at REV! We’re so excited to have Sydney interning with us as part of her Aerospace Engineering journey at Texas A&M University. Read on to learn more!
What inspired you to do what you do?
I’ve always been curious and loved building things hands-on. Growing up, I started off helping my dad restore classic cars in our garage. Then, in 6th grade, choosing a school elective to participate in, I looked into FIRST LEGO League and thought “I like LEGO, this should be a fun, chill time.” Little did I know that I would compete in FLL that year, travel to LEGOLAND in California to compete in nationals, find my passion in robotics, fall in love with FIRST, and decide to pursue a career in engineering. I am studying Aerospace Engineering in college, and my dream is to become an astronaut.
How long have you been a part of robotics?
I have been a part of robotics for 8 years - 3 years of FLL (2017-2019), 1 year of FTC (2019), and 4 years of FRC (2020-2023). I was the Driver & Captain for FRC Team 2714: BBQ.
What brought you to REV?
I wanted to get some "real-world" engineering experience at a company before I head off to college. My FRC team that I recently graduated from works out of the REV office, and during that time, I had the opportunity to get to know some of the amazing REV employees and the work environment. I knew that REV would be the perfect fit to help me start my career in engineering, as my goals align with REV's company values, and we are all passionate about giving back to the larger global community.
What else would you like to share with us?
- I am part of Patriot Paws of Aggieland (Training service dogs for veterans with PTSD).
- Spotify and a mini tape measure are two things I can't live without.
Interested in working at REV? Visit our career webpage to check out our current internship positions and other career opportunities!
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