#TeamREV Spotlight: FRC #1339 Angelbotics

#TeamREV Spotlight: FRC #1339 Angelbotics

Feb 5th 2024

This week's #TeamREV spotlight is FRC Team 1339: Angelbotics, from Denver, Colorado! Read on to meet the team.

Tell us a little bit about your team’s background.

Angelbotics was founded in late 2003 and began competing with the 2004 game FIRST Frenzy: Raising The Bar. We are named after the mascot of our school, the East High School Angel, actually a statue of a little girl that was placed at the front of the school 100 years ago. 

We currently have 26 returning students and 12 mentors on the team, with two team captains. New students and mentors who have joined this year have been moved to a rookie team, 9586 Anglebotics, where they will train with us and then design and build their own robot for their own competitions. Our team is divided into six divisions/subteams: Imagery/Media, Strategy/Drive, CAD/Design, Fabrication, Electrical, and Software. All of our students choose one or two subteams to train with and work for throughout the year, and each subteam has two student leads.  

All of our students and mentors are doing work to serve our city, teams around our state, and FIRST in general, through a number of projects and events. We are active "featured" participants in the Open Alliance, are presenters with the Medtronic Jumpstart program, and are silver members of LGBTQ+ of FIRST

Our Service Angel team provides assistance to teams at competition. This includes bringing pre-made bumper sets and custom vinyl numbers to get teams onto the field and past inspection. We also provide REV parts and service. 

Our team motto is "Robotics is a 4th place activity". We make sure to take care of our health, academics, and responsibilities before focusing on robotics. 

Each year, our team goes all-in on a new "theme", chosen by the students at the end of the previous season, so you'll see us dressed for the Old West one year and for Cyberpunk the next.

What has your team been working on recently?

  • We helped start a new FRC team and six new FTC teams this year. 
  • We have helped provide support to veteran FRC teams in our region who are working through financial and material shortages. So far this season, we were able to connect five teams with multi-thousand dollar sponsors, convinced our district to provide $2000 toward registration for five teams, provided one team with a full set of REV MAXSwerve Modules and motors (with spares!), and have had joint coaching/mentoring meetups with four teams.
  • We hosted Colorado Energy Day and the Kendrick Castillo Robotics Challenge, which we have hosted and led every year since 2017 (the challenge was renamed for Kendrick in 2019). We had a dozen teams from around the state join us to participate in STEM outreach for our city.

What is your team enjoying within the #TeamREV Sponsorship Program?

REV Robotics wants teams to have access to world-class materials, and we enjoy partnering with REV to achieve this goal. We are able to spread that mission by providing support to other teams prior to and during competitions. We are increasing our work as Service Angels at the events we attend this year to help make sure everyone's robot is fully functional.

We are so proud to hear about the many ways #TeamREV serves their communities! Follow Angelbotics on these platforms: