
FTC Guided Experience: CONTROL SYSTEM

The Control System of an FTC Robot consists of:

  • A Robot Controller, like the Control Hub, is where code is stored and run

  • A Driver's Station, like the Driver Hub, is the communication tool between the Robot Controller and the Gamepad

  • A Gamepad connects to the Driver's Station and is used to control the movement of the robot


In addition to your competition kit or FTC Starter Kit, a control system is required for a functional robot. A great way to get your robot up and running is with the Control & Power Bundle. These kits and bundles allow your robot to interact with external devices including motors, servos, and sensors. Varying based on design, the Control Hub can be wired a number of ways to different actuators and sensors. Here is an example of how a Control Hub can be wired:


For additional information on the REV Control System, visit the following guides: Control Hub Getting Started Guide or the Driver Hub Getting Started Guide.


Up to four motors can be connected to the Control Hub through motor encoder ports. As mechanisms are added to the robot, the number of motor ports may not be sufficient. To learn more, visit: Adding More Motors. Here is a general idea on ways to add additional motors to the REV Control System:


Servo motors are a specialized kind of motor which can be controlled to move to a specific angle instead of continuously rotating like a DC motor. Common servo motors, like the Smart Robot Servo, take a programmed input signal range and map that to an angular range. Up to six servos can be connected to the Control Hub through the servo ports. To learn more, visit: Servo Basics.


Sensors are often vital for robots to gather information about the world around them. To learn more on how to use REV sensors and information on the different sensor types, visit: Introduction to Sensors.

